Friday, November 6, 2009

Well No Input So Let Me Whip a Review Out

Daredorm: Is a new site offered up by Nasty dollars and presents "real" college videos and a chance for submitters to make $10,000. Some of the clips I saw on Daredorm seemed to be of fairly high quality while other seemed to be shot with camera phones which raised a few questions with me. Of course the first few may be staged to get some interest going which is understandable, and would account for some the videos having HQ picture and decent camera work and others looking like they were filmed by some one jumping on a bed. But this is a very new site 2-3 weeks to the best of my knowledge so if they do what they promise could be very very entertaining. Daredorm kind of has the feel of a Girls Gone Wild thing but people found that plenty entertaining plus this is much more hardcore, and with the promise of $10,000 instead of t-shirts who knows? Plus they got a 2 day $1 dollar trial so it's worth a look. I for one have enjoyed what I have seen so far so I give it 3 thumbs up.
